Hi Denis, Again we are back to asking the question, "What is the purpose of the RIPE Database in 2022?". I know this is like the elephant in the room. I know most people look the other way every time I mention this topic. This policy proposal is not about the goal of the database itl is just about how far we obligate LIRs in filling in information for inetnum objects and how much freedom we give the LIR to decide it by themself. So technically the goal of the database stays the same. BUT it is so fundamental to many discussions we are having. For example, is the database still purely (or even primarily) only for 'operational purposes'? A term used so often that, like so many other terms used in this industry, is not even defined anywhere. Is using the content of the RIPE Database to stop the use of an IP address for criminal activity an 'operational purpose'. If someone is operating a network using a block of IP addresses and abusing other users of the internet, then surely knowing who is using that block of addresses and being able to contact them has 'operational' value. For sure we always need to keep this in mind. And I think it would be a good subject to discuss in the database working group. But so far I don’t see any reasons to be insecure about this after changing this policy. As Sander said, knowing how much of an allocation is in use was a side effect of this policy. Knowing who is operating a network on a block of addresses, and being able to contact them, is the real purpose of this policy requirement to document assignments. If we allow LIRs to choose what info to add to the database, those LIRs that knowingly provide resources and services to abusive end users will obviously choose not to document it. That may be used as a selling feature to abusive end users, to obscure and delay their identification. Whilst most LIRs take abuse seriously we all know there are some that don't. You are totally right. That is why this is only about inetnum objects. The LIR gets still obligated by the terms and conditions to fill in enough information for contacting efficient the maintainer as also By the Abuse Contact Management in the RIPE Database policy for having an abuse contact. Kind regards, Jeroen