We did not convert to PA. But unfortunately they did not know that it was necessary to keep Sponsoring with a third party.

Nikolay Gorstkin

6 марта 2019 г., в 22:41, Stary Bezpiek <stary.bezpiecznik@gmail.com> написал(а):

W dniu 06.03.2019 o 18:43, Nikolay Gorstkin pisze:
Everything is different in this universe ... Today we asked the RIPE NCC what will happen to our PI’s (assigned before we became LIR), in the event of SSA termination?
The NCC’s answer was simple and concise, as always, I quote:

«The PI resources X.X.X.X and ASXXXXX are part of your LIR's infrastructure.
According to the published procedure Closure of Members, Deregistration of Internet Resources and Legacy Internet Resources (https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/ripe-697#b21)
/"The RIPE NCC will send an official notification by email to all registered contacts stating that the allocation/independent Internet number resources will be deregistered, explaining the reasons for this deregistration and the procedure of the deregistration."/

Therefore signing a Sponsoring contract with another LIR to support these resources is not possible.»

First of all - I'm dealing with RIPE and addresses about 20 years, and never heard, that PA from closed LIR going to be deregistered could be converted to PI.

Years ago, when RIPE asked about PI to PA conversion, they promised, that in case of LIR closure, the member could preserve the PI. But... seems that is smallprint - you can keep the PI except you are self sponsor for the resource. The conclusion is: never convert the PI to PA and never move AS and PI to your own LIR, keep the sponsorship with third party.
