> ... and reading this I think the policy must be strictly changed. I do
> not exactly know the wording of RIPE membership rules, but if you set up
> a "Verein" in Germany (and this is more or less the type which matches
> best the legal form RIPE NCC has) you are recommended to put something
> like "each and every person who is willingly doing any harm to the club,
> it's reputation or other members is to be kicked out without any right
> for compensations. All rights this person has be being member are
> immediately withdrawn. The exclusion from the club does not reduce the
> any regress against the excluded member".

> Except this is not policy (done by the RIPE community), but a RIPE NCC
> affair. Changes like this are to be decided in general meeting with
> approval from a majority of members (including the incriminated LIRs and
> people that may not understand what this is all about).
> Discussing such issues shoud be done ont the APWG mailing list, but on
> the members-discuss or a membership-related mailing list.
> Please also take into account that people having a right to vote at the
> NCC GM are not always the same as the ones active here.
> But the idea is not bad.

> I see, that it is not possible to prevent every bypassing, but I think
> someone who is even spaming and advertising sale of resources shall be
> kicked out RIPE NCC immediately and all resources this person or
> enterprise ever requested should be withdrawn!

In 2010, 2011, 2012 I was just a LIR client (I didn't have my own registered LIR) : I asked the LIR for IPv4 assignment and got it. The cost for /21 IPv4 assignment was 300 USD/year. I got some /21 assignments from one LIR, some /21 from another LIRs and all were - ok: the price was good for me, I used the PA space from LIR allocation (as RIPE NCC recommended and didn't ask for PI IPv4).

On June 2012
, I received a letter from my LIR that says: the price for PA assignment /21 from January 2013 will 24000 USD/year. The another LIRs increased price for PA IPv4, but no so dramatically.
I had to find a replacement for address space with a crazy price that affected the clients.

So we can see the following:
1) Client asked the LIR for IPv4, and the LIR recommends the PA IPv4 assignment from their allocation;
2) The LIR asked the RIPE NCC for new allocation for clients and got more and more allocations;

3) The RIPE NCC didn't control the price for IPv4 for LIR clients;
3.1) I'm sure, the RIPE NCC shall not approved the PI IPv4 assignment for me with reason:
I'm not sure that a RIPE NCC member (LIR) will not increase drastically the prices.

4) One day the LIR drastically increase the price for PA IPv4 for end users from 300 USD/year to 24000 USD/year and the multiple PA allocations are ready for sell...
5) The RIPE NCC policies didn't allow me to register the my own LIR and picked up the PA allocation from crazy LIR: pay or close your business, or get only /22.
6) The RIPE NCC is approved the "selling" the IPv4 from last /8 on 23/01/2013 - it is good for any existing and new LIR to get /22 that LIR really don't need and sell it for 10$/IP.

7.1) The RIPE NCC is approving selling the IPv4 from 185/8 for 2 years and there is no reaction from RIPE NCC community, only now.
7.2) So why do I need to pay 15$/IP or more to the LIR from my real history or to any existing LIR from 185/8?

Maybe someone who speaks the most about saving 185/8 and has reserves of IPv4 is ready to transfer them to me for free, because they had previously received them from RIPE for free?
I think I
know in advance the answer to this rhetorical question.

Best regards,
Ivan Bulavkin