Hi Max,

This is definitely not for having only one RIR. The idea to discuss is (as you’ve mentioned in your second sentence) that this RIR runs in parallel (and operated by) all five RIRs and it would take care of allocations ment to be global (like conpanies that need IP and ASN resources in more than one region) or for future cases out of the actual five regions.



El El dom, 25 de mar. de 2018 a las 23:36, Max Tulyev <president@ukraine.su> escribió:
Hi All,

If they want to have only one registry in the planet - it is bad idea, I
am strongly against it.

If this GIR runs parallel to existing RIRs and in competition with all
them - that's a very good idea, I support it.

16.03.18 13:48, Marco Schmidt пише:
> Dear colleagues,
> We would like to make you aware of a policy proposal that is being discussed in the LACNIC community, called "Proposal to create a Global Internet Registry (GIR)". You can find the proposal here:
> https://politicas.lacnic.net/politicas/detail/id/LAC-2018-1?language=en
> This is a global policy proposal, meaning that it would apply to all five RIRs. However, each RIR community would first need to ratify an identical version of the policy before it could be implemented.
> No such policy proposal has yet been submitted in our service region. We will let you know of any further developments.
> You can find more on the global policy development process here:
> https://www.nro.net/policies/global-policies-development-process/
> Kind regards
> Marco Schmidt
> Policy Development Officer
> Sent via RIPE Forum -- https://www.ripe.net/participate/mail/forum