Hi, I’m late to the party but I note that according to the RIPE NCC website, the good Mr. van Mook has not yet been kind enough to revoke the policy proposal yet, so allow me to say... On 17/05/2016, 14:01, "address-policy-wg on behalf of Nick Hilliard" <address-policy-wg-bounces@ripe.net on behalf of nick@foobar.org> wrote:
Specifically, it will not deal with the problem that the RIPE NCC was set up to do, namely to ensure accurate registration of resources.
.. that I agree with Nick's sentence, and object to the proposal. Whilst I understand the motive (and it’s a bloody good troll), I specifically object to a proposal which might ask or require an LIR to return in-use resources, which were previously correctly and in good faith, assigned in accordance with policy and procedures. Andy