9 Jun
9 Jun
8:09 a.m.
On Thursday 08 June 2006 12:25, Carlos Friacas wrote:
On Wed, 7 Jun 2006, David Conrad wrote:
Can you identify an organization that does not want to avoid renumbering or which might not identify a need to be multihomed?
Yes!!! ...there are a lot of clueless people around ;-)
I have a couple of LANs at my house. A /48 for each LAN sounds reasonable to me. Does that justify an IPv6 /32?
I think the /32 came from the standard filtering "rule" that some people adopt. Although I see the rationale for enforcing aggregation I wonder if the generic rule to block anything that is smaller holds ground and is that useful. -- Marc van Selm NATO C3 Agency CIS Division E-mail: marc.van.selm@nc3a.nato.int (PGP capable)