Hi There:

Although it does sounds good idea consider how big the routing table has become, but in practice, I guess would be very difficult, as there is no way to prevent people spam them then return to RIPE NCC for a new one, plus, with smaller allocation pool every day, the ability RIPE NCC would be able to practice such policy, would be in a rather limited time, so it will be a policy only works for---let's say 6 months, longest 2 years.

So I agree with Arash, leave the IPv4 alone, seriously, get IPv6 done so you don't have to look at the size of IPv4 routing table.

On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 6:30 AM, Arash Naderpour <arash_mpc@parsun.com> wrote:


Soon or late it will end up here to “IPv4 is DEAD, go and develop IPv6”, that’s a regular answer here when you bring up something related to IPv4 J


Your idea looks like a disk defragmentation procedure, but first you need to check how many percent it is defragmented and how much free space you will need to do the procedure.









From: address-policy-wg [mailto:address-policy-wg-bounces@ripe.net] On Behalf Of Ping IP
Sent: Thursday, 22 September 2016 10:37 PM
To: address-policy-wg@ripe.net
Subject: [address-policy-wg] Idea for aggregating IP addresses




One of the goals of RIPE is to aggregate IP addresses. I'd like to suggest the ability for a LIR and End User to exchange number of blocks of IP ranges for a greater block.


For example:

LIR/End User has 4 different /22 subnets and LIR/End User can exchange these subnets for 1 x /20 subnet.


This gives a LIR or End User the possibility to announce larger IP subnets to the Internet. Helping the goal of aggregating the IP addresses on the Internet.


According one of the RIPE trainer, this is currently not possible according the RIPE policy. Because there's no policy to give a LIR/End User this ability.


I'm curious to what you think of this idea.


Best regards,



Ping IP network

Kind regards.