Hi Andrea:

Thank you for responds.

Although this question posted here was asking community opinion to help future understand an important element in our policy history. "Need based IP distribution". Since current policy does not have it anymore, an official responds from NCC was not expected.

And if my fellow colleague here has an opinion on this interpretation of "need" as well as the two examples I was given, enlighten me your thought, would really appreciated.

On 3 Dec 2015, at 5:19 PM, Andrea Cima <andrea@ripe.net> wrote:

Hi Lu,

Thank you for the question.

Regarding what we would do under the old policies — it’s very difficult for us to speculate how hypothetical examples would have been evaluated under outdated processes that we no longer follow. For this reason, we are unable to indicate how we would have handled these requests before the current policies were adopted.

On a more general note, it is important to be aware that the current "IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policies for the RIPE NCC Service Region" states:

"Only allocations and assignments registered in the RIPE Database are considered valid. [...] Registration data (range, contact information, status etc.) must be correct at all times (i.e. they have to be maintained)."

This means that any change to the registration data must be reflected in the RIPE Database, and it is the LIR that is responsible for maintaining this. The RIPE NCC regularly confirms the correctness of the registration data with audits (ARC reviews), during additional allocation requests, or on request by a member.

Best regards,

Andrea Cima

On 03/12/2015 12:26, Lu Heng wrote:

I have an policy question regarding Ripe policy before adoption of "no need" policy.

We all know that before the no need policy, when Ripe makes an assignment, while the "need" has changed, the assignment become invalid.

The question come to what the definition of need. Below I have few examples, please provide your view:

First one:

Company A provides 100 customer dedicated server service at location A, Ripe makes an assignment for 100 IP for his infrastructure, if, under condition that no other factor was changed, Company A moved his infrastructure to location B, but still providing same service to same customer, does the company's action need to be notified  to RIR? And does this action considered invalid the original assignment?

Second one:

Company A provides web hosting service, but any casted in 3 location, and has provided the evidence of 3 location to the RIR during the time the company getting valid assignment, then A decided to cut 3 location to 2 location, does this invalid original assignment and need to be notified to RIR?

So the bottom line is, what is the definition of need, is it defined as the service you are providing or defined as whole package of any of original justification material was provided, if was the later, then does it imply that anything, including location of the infrastructure, upstream providers etc has changed due to operational need, it will be considered as change of purpose of use and need to be notified to RIR?

What should be the right interpretation of the policy by then?

Kind regards.