Dear Radu, Thank you for your question: On 2016-06-18 01:22:47 CET, Radu-Adrian FEURDEAN wrote:
It is my understanding, and please someone from RIPE NCC confirm or infirm that in public, that M&A has "slightly" changed recently, and the following operations are no longer M&A: - merging several existing LIRs having the same owner. - re-organisation of address space between the LIRs of a group. - purchasing a company but keeping the purchased company's legal entity (you accountant will give you good reasons for this; if you live in counties like France, your HR will give a few more reasons). - putting together resources of several entities within a group without proceeding with heavy legal and administrative paperwork.
Current procedures allow the transfer of resources between LIR accounts belonging to the same member. If the member decides to close one of their LIR accounts after such a transfer, they must first ensure that the annual membership fee has been paid for that account. I would also like to highlight Nigel's email on behalf of the Executive Board in April, which states that mergers, acquisitions, bankruptcies and liquidations must be supported by official documentation issued by national authorities (e.g. Chamber of Commerce): You mention several examples — some of these refer to mergers and acquisitions, while others relate to the movement of Internet resources without an actual merger or acquisition taking place, such as combining the resources of related legal entities without legal and administrative paperwork. Following Nigel's clarification, our merger and acquisitions procedure is only applied to actual mergers and acquisitions. All other resource transfers between separate legal entities must be handled according to the transfer sections in the relevant RIPE Policies (for IPv4, IPv6 and AS Numbers). I hope this answers your question. Kind regards, Marco Schmidt Policy Development Officer RIPE NCC Sent via RIPE Forum --