Max, I'm going to repeat stuff you already know. Sorry! Regarding the source of the traffic, right now in IPv4 we have the situation where we have: IANA -> RIPE NCC -> LIR -> PI recipient Once the link between the RIPE NCC and the LIR, or between the LIR and PI recipient is broken, the space is completely untraceable. It's a bad design, and while I understand that it is a lot less work for the RIPE NCC to only deal with LIR, I think it should be the responsibility of the RIPE NCC to know who the actual recipient of number resources is. So this is what 2007-01 begins to fix. Good proposal, even if it comes 10 years later than it should have. :) But for IPv6 we do *not* have this situation today. IPv6 policy is not yet badly broken, in spite of the efforts of IPv6 zealots to move IPv6 into an unmanagable state by giving IPv6 allocations out on beer mats (I refer to 2008-01, which is a Bad Proposal as it tries to infect IPv6 with the chaos of IPv4). -- Shane On Mon, Apr 07, 2008 at 10:47:55PM +0300, Max Tulyev wrote:
please note we failed in IPv6 migration. IPv6 is only nice toy, but not a new Internet. Just set up your Windows PC to be IPv6 only and see it yourself. And we have no time to change that.
But why do you think information about source of traffic will be more accurate than it is now? Note, we can't enforce it by 2007-01. We even not implementing any [periodic] checking there.