Hi Massimo,

thank you for your message. Let me see if I have an answer to some of your questions/comments. See inline.

On Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 11:13 Massimo Candela <massimo@ntt.net> wrote:
Hi all,

I added in cc the MAT mailing list, which is frequented by researchers.
I believe that is the right audience for this proposal.

@MAT: Support for this proposal should be expressed before this Friday
(March 10). See proposal below. Reply by keeping both list.

@Addres-policy: I support this proposal.

thank you for your support.

I also mention below a variation of this proposal, which could be it's
own proposal/thread (suggestions welcome):

There should be an easy way to do "temporary assignments" (which may or
may not be the correct term in this case) to researchers/developers,
starting from address space of a company which is "sponsoring" the research.

The key part of what I would like to have is the possibility to provide
somebody with access to LIR portal services but limited to a specific
subset of my resources.

In general, a company is not going to support a research/experiment by
providing indiscriminate access to the LIR portal. Creating a new LIR or
transferring prefixes is not a plausible solution in this context.

An existing LIR can do an assignment to a researcher/developer as we speak. All assignments an LIR makes are ‘temporary’, some may last a day and some may last 10 years…

If you want the researcher to have access to services like RPKI, they can ask their LIR. In some cases, maybe temporary transfers could also be of use.

Note that this proposal aims to update the temporary assignment proposal that is currently in place. The RIPE NCC makes these temporary assignments from a pool of IPs they have reserved specifically for this purpose.

Also, I believe this would remove the need for an approval procedure
from the RIPE NCC side: (1) if the address space used is of a company,
there is less need to validate the research project motivations; and (2)
the company "sponsoring" is also the one responsible for the address space.

I am not sure I understand what you mean by this. The NCC does not need to approve any assignments made by LIRs. The NCC will need to approve temporary assignments if the request is sent by an LIR (for an end-user) based on the current temporary assignment policy. 



On 27/02/2023 16:44, Leo Vegoda wrote:
> Hi,
> We've not had any feedback on this proposal yet.
> As a reminder, this proposal would set "the minimum assignment size to
> a /24 while still allowing for a smaller assignment if requested by
> the End User. This policy proposal also allows routing requirements to
> justify the request for more than a /24 for research purposes."
> Support for the proposal, or arguments against it are welcome.
> Many thanks,
> Leo Vegoda
> Address Policy WG co-chair
> On Thu, 9 Feb 2023 at 00:26, Angela Dall'Ara <adallara@ripe.net> wrote:
>> Dear colleagues,
>> A new RIPE Policy Proposal, 2023-02, "Minimum Size for IPv4 Temporary
>> Assignments"
>> is now available for discussion.
>> This policy proposal recommends setting the minimum assignment size for
>> temporary assignments to a /24 while still allowing for a smaller
>> assignment if requested by the End User. This policy proposal also
>> allows routing requirements to justify the request for more than a /24
>> for research purposes.
>> You can find the full proposal at:
>> https://www.ripe.net/participate/policies/proposals/2023-02
>> As per the RIPE Policy Development Process (PDP), the purpose of this
>> four-week Discussion Phase is to discuss the proposal and provide
>> feedback to the proposers.
>> At the end of the Discussion Phase, the proposers, with the agreement of
>> the WG Chairs, will decide how to proceed with the proposal.
>> The PDP document can be found at:
>> https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/ripe-781
>> We encourage you to review this proposal and send your comments to
>> address-policy-wg@ripe.net before 10 March 2023.
>> Kind regards,
>> Angela Dall'Ara
>> Policy Officer
>> --
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