Hi, Shane Kerr schrieb: [...]
It seems a good idea to make IPv6 space easier to get.
Not really related to this specific proposed change, but maybe it is time to start thinking about making IPv4 space harder to get, too.
<?> IMHO wrong. The only real selling point for IPv6 is "there is no IPv4 anymore". So my p.o.v. is - waste IPv4, as fast as possible. Probably even make it easier to get. What's the whole point in delaying the End-Of-IPv4 much further (it's not even crititcal at the moment btw, still enough there for years to come) if there is real&working IPv6 out there nowerdays? And anyways, makes no sense - this will only make work harder for LIRs and Hostmaster, hence more expensive, and probably even worsen all the NAT idiocy out there - or just increase the amount of lies to RIPE NCC. ...my 0.02EUR, not considering possible problems lack of "fresh" IPv4 space will cause ("you can have my /24 for 500000 bucks on ebay!!!"), but that's a general problem regardless of WHEN it runs out. -- ======================================================================== = Sascha Lenz SLZ-RIPE slz@baycix.de = = Network Operations = = BayCIX GmbH, Landshut * PGP public Key on demand * = ========================================================================