It’s a shame, a company with fraudulent methods receive 1 million IP address for next three months but my company after giving all requested statics will receive /22 subnet instead of at least /14 subnet!!!

On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 8:05 PM, Andrea Cima <> wrote:

Dear all,

Regarding the comments on allocations in the run-up to reaching the last /8, we would like to assure you that all requests are met with the highest level of care and due diligence. We do not make public the details of specific requests or the documentation provided by our members, but we are happy to explain the procedures used when evaluating these requests.

All allocations and assignments are evaluated in accordance with RIPE Policy and full documentation is required before a request is approved. The relevant policies are listed in ripe-556, "Due Diligence for the Quality of the RIPE NCC Registration Data":

By default, all large Internet resource requests (/15 or larger for PA IPv4, /18 or larger for PI IPv4 and /28 or larger for IPv6) are evaluated by:
- Two IP Resource Analysts (IPRAs)
- The Registration Services Manager
- The Policy Development Officer
- At least two Senior Managers

In Phase 1 of reaching the last /8, every request for IPv4 address space is evaluated by two IPRAs, regardless of the size of the request.

We would also like to note that requests for IPv4 address space are handled in strict order of receipt by the next available IPRA.

Further information on the procedures followed by the RIPE NCC to ensure correct and consistent evaluations of resource requests is available at:

If you have any questions on the RIPE NCC's procedures in the run-up to reaching the last /8, please feel free to contact me.

Best regards,
Andrea Cima
Registration Services

I Hamed Shafaghi I
I Managing Director I

I Skydsl® Telecom I I I