On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 11:56 AM, Roger Jørgensen <rogerj@gmail.com> wrote:

Are work being done in several forums on interplanetary communication,
both with thoughts on delay and on address space. AFAIK some of it is
already in production to using IPv6... wish my memory worked today so
I could remember where I saw that discussion :-(

In the more immediate future, I think the main concern will be IOT-related. (IOT = Internet of Things)

While this is a bit of a lame buzzword now, something on the scale of what Manfred Macx et al have in the early chapters of Charles Stross's Accelerando, may very well be how things work in a couple of decades. It's hard to predict.

In any case, what's most important to us now, is to at least be aware of the potential challenges, and not enact policies that will make the future much more difficult.

And, again, I don't think the proposal discussed here poses such a problem.