Thank you Nigel for kicking this off.
1. We adopt it in its original form thus demonstrating solidarity with the other regions, apart from Arin.
2. We adopt the Arin form of the proposal, thus demonstrating solidarity with Arin, but with no one else
3. We reject the proposal outright, thus demonstrating that we can't make up our minds or that we think it will never work, or something...
4. We ask the regional authors (in this case myself and Axel) to withdraw the proposal in this region.
Speaking as one of the original authors, I would support going through with the original proposal. The requirement to return space was essential to the idea behind the policy draft in the first place. Taking this requirement out renders the policy pointless. I don't want to load the discussion with notions of "solidarity", but rather focus on the utility of policies. Which in my view has disappeared from the ARIN policy text. cheers, Axel