On Tue, 7 Dec 2021 at 18:44, Sebastian-Wilhelm Graf <ripe-lists@sebastian-graf.at> wrote:
This has the advantage of being "fair"
This depends on your definition of fairness. Let's be brutally honest here. Anyone who has set up 10, 20, 30 LIRs in the last couple of years and has received multiple /24s is intentionally circumventing the goal of the policy for financial gain. They are playing games for profit. Let's get the legal advice we need and stop these games. These are policies, not national/international laws. Policies are a set of rules for the RIPE NCC membership. Members have signed contracts agreeing to all policies and agreed changes to those policies. Nothing says a policy change cannot be retroactive. As Gert said, let's apply a policy change back to 1/1/21. If someone wants to challenge it in court...let them name and shame themselves. As a community/membership we should be willing to stand by our principles of fairness and let the RIPE NCC go to court to defend these principles. While IPv4 is still in use and essential for genuine new startup businesses, let's stand up to those who are playing these games for profit...for the good of the internet. I don't know who any of these people are with multiple LIRs. But I am sure they are all subscribed to this mailing list and will do what they can to prevent policy changes that stop them from making profits. To re quote Daniel's famous phrase at the Database BoF, "Let's stop tinkering around the edges" of these policies, jump in at the deep end and fix the problem...to stop the blatant profiteering. I am going to go one step further than Gert's proposal. Let's suspend the current policy pending a review. In other words, freeze the allocation of /24s. I am sure there is nothing in the PDP or anywhere else that allows for this. But there probably is nothing that disallows it either. Again let's have a legal review and take bold action. I am probably going to get hammered for saying all this, but sometimes we need to make bold moves and set new precedences... cheers denis co-chair DB-WG