Hi Leo, Thanks for your reply. Since nobody knows if IANA is going to give more or how much space to RIRs from the returned pool, I was not taking in count IANAs possibility of returning space. If IANA, every six months, returns more space it will give more time till full depletion. Regards, El 04/07/2014 17:35, Leo Vegoda escribió:
Daniel Baeza (Red y Sistemas TVT) wrote:
Again, in the LIRs graph cant see it well but I think we have 1k LIRs year. Thats makes, in the "worst" of the cases, 8 years of available IP space without taking in count if IANA returns more space.
Allocations made under the Global Policy for Post Exhaustion IPv4 Allocation Mechanisms by the IANA are scheduled to take place every six months, as required in the policy. The formula for making the allocations has been put into software which has been published: https://github.com/icann/ipv4-recovery-algorithm
What cannot be predicted is whether the RIRs will be returning more address space to the IANA IPv4 Recovered Address Space registry (http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv4-recovered-address-space). However, if that does happen you can run the published software and see exactly how it will be distributed.
Leo Vegoda
-- Daniel Baeza Centro de Observación de Red Dpto. Red y Sistemas Television Costa Blanca S.L. Telf. 966.190.847 | Fax. 965.074.390 http://www.tvt.es | http://www.tvt-datos.es Correo: d.baeza@tvt-datos.es -- [Atención] La información contenida en este e-mail es confidencial, privilegiada y está dirigida exclusivamente a su destinatario. Cualquier revisión, difusión, distribución o copiado de este mensaje sin autorización del propietario está prohibido. Si ha recibido este e-mail por error por favor bórrelo y envíe un mensaje al remitente. [Disclaimer] The information contained in this e-mail is privileged and confidential and is intended only for its addressee. Any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail is prohibited. If you have received it in error please delete the original message and e-mail us. (!) El medio ambiente es responsabilidad de todos. Imprime este mail si es absolutamente necesario.