Hi Gert, Gert Doering wrote:
On Tue, May 04, 2010 at 04:58:52PM +0200, Carsten Schiefner wrote:
Oh, and yes: I am in favour of a v4/v6 harmonisation, too.
all right, fair question :-) - for the reason that has been voiced here already: v4 and v6 are of course different - but should not be treated differently in the way PI space is being managed. Not even if I consider your devil's advocate argument below.
(Half of it is because it's easier to judge the outcome of a discussion if there are specific arguments for or against something - and the other half of it is because I'm playing the devil's advocate, and claim that we might not want IPv6 to be the same as IPv4... e.g. as in "if people can use PI to give single IPv6 addresses to their end customers, we might see DSL deployments with single address + NAT, and this not something I want to see"...)
Best, Carsten