Overall, this policy looks good to me. However, I believe there is one problem with the text. The language regarding recipients in other regions requires that the recipient be an LIR. However, the transfer policies of the other regions do not make any such distinction. Therefore, I believe it would be more appropriate to use the word organization instead of LIR when referring to recipients in other regions. Scott (speaking only for myself)
On Jun 5, 2014, at 3:36 AM, Elvis Daniel Velea <elvis@v4escrow.net> wrote:
I also like the new proposed text. It addresses all of the concerns I had with the previous one and this time it is very clean and simple.
+1 from me.
cheers, elvis
On 05/06/14 10:28, Jan Ingvoldstad wrote: On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 3:13 PM, Marco Schmidt <mschmidt@ripe.net> wrote:
I like this proposed policy, it is very reasonable, and seems to have addressed the overlying concerns with inter-RIR transfers.
I have a comment regarding the second argument against the policy, "The proposal will re-introduce operational needs justification, if any RIR insists on this, in order to effect certain transfers."
I don't think this is an argument against the policy itself, but it is a concern that RIPE NCC needs to address when guiding LIRs in the transfer process.
In other words: yes, operational needs justification under any other RIR's "jurisdiction" is a concern, but it is not within RIPE's powers to do anything about it, other than help RIPE's LIRs make the best of it when transferring resources. -- Jan
-- <logo.png> Elvis Daniel Velea
Chief Business Analyst
Email: elvis@V4Escrow.net US Phone: +1 (702) 475 5914 EU Phone: +3 (161) 458 1914 Recognised IPv4 Broker/Facilitator in:
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