I was wondering if it would help to look at the potential impact of this policy on IPv4 address consumption predictions. I have built a model of projection IPv4 address consumption based on continuity of current address allocation policies http://ipv4.potaroo.net, and it may be useful to look at the impact of using the HD ratio on this model. I'll try and get some results posted by the end of this week on a simulation of the effects of adoption of this policy proposal

On 2/7/06, RIPE NCC Policy Coordinator <adrian@ripe.net> wrote:
PDP Number: 2005-01
HD-ratio Proposal

Dear Colleagues

The proposal to change to RIPE Document ripe-324 is now at its final stage.

You can find the full proposal at:


Please e-mail any final comments about this proposal to address-policy-wg@ripe.net before 7 March 2006.

We will publish the new policy after this date if we receive no objections.


Adrian Bedford