Hello everyone, I'm a researcher from Lancaster University (UK) studying the IPv4 transfer market, and I'm trying to correlate IPv4 transfers with BGP routing dynamics. I've collected the reported transfers but they list only owner organizations names and not AS numbers (ASN). Same with the reported transfers of other RIRs. I tried to map the organization names to ASNs using WHOIS but I couldn’t find a match for about 50% of the organizations involved in transfers. What is the rationale behind not listing the AS number? Is it because organizations without an ASN (e.g. enterprise networks) can obtain an address? Is there a suggested way of mapping the organizations to ASNs besides WHOIS lookup? Thank you and best wishes for 2020! Vasileios Giotsas Lecturer School of Computing and Communications Lancaster University ☎ 01524 595130 https://bit.ly/LancsGiotsas