Dear Address Policy WG, Please find enclosed a policy proposal from Eric Schmidt. This proposal is entered into the discussion phase with a deadline of 4 weeks - August 10th. Best Regards, Hans Petter Holen AC Chair 1.Number: #Eta 2.Policy Proposal Name: IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy - definition for "End-Site" 3.Author Eric Schmidt b.e-mail: c.telephone: ++49 441 234 4592 d.organisation: Deutsche Telekom AG 4.Proposal Version: 5.Submission Date: 2005-05-13 6.Suggested WG for discussion and publication: address-policy-wg or ipv6-wg 7.Proposal type: modify, modify, or delete. 8.Policy term: permanent a.temporary, permanent, or renewable. 9.Summary of proposal There are various terms for "end-site" in the IPv6 allocation and assignment policy (ripe-267) and the RFC3177. We need to have a finally definition for "end-site" to establish clear internal assignment policies 10. Policy text a.Current (if modify): 2.9. End Site An End Site is defined as an End User (subscriber) who has a business relationship with a service provider that involves: that service provider assigning address space to the End User that service provider providing transit service for the End User to other sites that service provider carrying the End User's traffic that service provider advertising an aggregate prefix route that contains the End User's assignment b.New: 2.9 End Site End-Site defines a customer´s network with an own link to the ISP. The customer could run various networks on different locations (e.g. multiple branches). As long as the networks are all independent and have no internal connection, each network is defined as a single end-site. If the networks have internal connection and only one common link to the ISP, these networks are summarized to one end-site. 2.9a A customer is an End User (subscriber) who has a business relationship with a service provider that involves: that service provider assigning address space to the End User that service provider providing transit service for the End User to other sites that service provider carrying the End User's traffic that service provider advertising an aggregate prefix route that contains the End User's assignment 11. Rationale: a.Arguments supporting the proposal At last we will have a concrete definition for end-site. There are a lot of discussions even in different RIR regions and as far as i know non of this has reached an conclusion. The rfc3177 defines end site as single edge networks, this is pretty close to my proposal and i think it is easier to update a RIPE policy than an rfc. This question was discussed in the IPv6 maillist before and it looks like that this definition could get a majority approval In the IPv6 End User Site Assignment Request Form (ripe-308) the requester has to confirm that he read the policy document. It is hard for a customer to understand these improper terms. This proposal should not be combined with the /48 /56 discussion which is on at the moment. It´s just a matter of definition b.Arguments opposing the proposal i can´t see anything against this .....