Hi NIck, Fully agree with you. I didn’t say “the authors don’t like the arguments against” I said we didn’t see up to now arguments opposing and we are happy to hear them from the community and obviously take any necessary measures to improve the proposal. Tks! Regards, Jordi @jordipalet
El 30 oct 2024, a las 11:50, Nick Hilliard <nick@foobar.org> escribió:
In relation to the discussion at the microphone in today's APWG session, a policy proposal is a working group proposal. If there are arguments against a proposal, there is an implicit requirement to acknowledge these arguments.
It is not relevant that the authors don't like those arguments.
There are a lot of reasons for this, including objectivity and consensus. But it is also important document the decision-making process so that we have a future record of how decision about policy decisions are made, and what was considered. If we don't have that written record, we will lose the institutional knowledge of why policies say what they say.
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