Am 16.05.2018 um 14:52 schrieb JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via address-policy-wg:
[…] I believe we have several problems that my proposal is trying to fix. […] Thoughts?
To put it in a nutshell, I think you throw out the baby with bath water here: you're not simply "merging the requirements for PI and PA in a single policy", you'd take away any means for a non-LIR to request non-PA IP space. Moreover, you intend to force any current IPv6 PI holder into either becoming an LIR (which amounts to a 28fold cost increase: 50 => 1400 EUR/year) or to abandon the PIv6 space they build there infrastructure on. I don't yet understand what's your agenda, but I'm deeply concerned. Anyway: I oppose this proposal. It would cause a lot harm for no obvious reason. -kai