Dear Mark,

Rule #1 of breaking the rules: don’t get caught. That said, if you do break the rules and get caught, the standard applies that you get tarred and feathered and have to sing a lullaby during the next RIPE plenary session.

But seriously – what kind of response were you expecting?



On 13-07-09 15:04, "Stream Service || Mark Scholten" <> wrote:


We are looking on getting an IPv6 PI range. But we want to use it for the
same services we are running in the IPv4 world. Could you say if it is
allowed under IPv6 PI (some say yes, some say no and if you ask me it should
be: yes, of course it is allowed).

The things we want to use IPv6 PI for:
- dedicated servers (servers are owned by us)
- co located servers (servers are owned by clients)
- VPN (we have a few clients that use it, per VPN client at least 1 IP)
- VPS guests (per VPS guest at least 1 IP)
- https (per host an IP)

And if it is not allowed: what would happen if we do it and someone
discovers it.

Thanks in advance for the answers.

With kind regards,

Mark Scholten

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