hello El 04/10/2006, a las 10:19, Gert Doering escribió:
I'd propose a minimum AW of /24, to be raised to a /22 if the LIR has sent one? two? person(s) to a LIR training course (and the trainer is convinced that these people have listened and understood the rules).
Considering that the training course doesn't have an examn, it's dificult for the trainer to know how much people has understood. I would modify your propossal to: 1st AW or /24 Raised AW to /22 after the first or second allocation is made if there are no errors in those. Regards, Fernando ------------------------------------------------ Fernando Garcia |Tel: +34 91 4359687 EUROCOMERCIAL I&C SA |Fax: +34 91 4313240 Valentín Beato, 5 |e-mail: fgarcia@eurocomercial.es E-28037 Madrid | Spain |http://www.eurocomercial.es