Dear Nick, The requirement in the current policy (ripe-733) [1] that /“After one year the utilisation of the new assignment must be at least 50%, unless special circumstances are defined"/ is implemented the way Marco previously explained: the 50% utilisation refers to an estimated projection, which must be supported by the documentation provided by the IXP when requesting an assignment larger than the minimum size. This requirement was first introduced in the ripe-604 [2] policy document, after the approval of proposal 2013-03 [3], to maintain the need evaluation for IXP assignments. The RIPE NCC Impact Analysis [4] on proposal 2013-03 was: /“It is the RIPE NCC’s understanding that Internet Exchange Point assignments larger than /24 would be based on documented calculations that allow the utilisation to be estimated one year after the date of assignment. This utilisation should be at least 50% of the assignment. “/ The requirements for returning the unused space to the IXP pool are described in paragraph 6.1.5 of the current policy: /“IXPs holding other PI IPv4 space for their peering LAN (i.e. they are seeking a larger assignment), and any IPv4 space assigned from this pool that is no longer in use, must be returned to the pool within 180 days of disuse or a new assignment.“/ I hope this helps. Kind regards, Angela Dall’Ara Policy Officer RIPE NCC [1] https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/ripe-733 [2] https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/ripe-604 [3] https://www.ripe.net/participate/policies/proposals/2013-03 [4] https://www.ripe.net/participate/policies/proposals/2013-03#impact-analysis On 04/07/2023 20:33, Matthias Wichtlhuber wrote:
Hi Nick,
Marco or Angela from RIPE should be able to answer this question. I have no insights into this beyond what was communicated by RIPE on this list.
Regards, Matthias
-- Dr.-Ing. Matthias Wichtlhuber Team Lead Research and Development ------------------------------ DE-CIX Management GmbH Lindleystr. 12, 60314 Frankfurt (Germany) phone: +49 69 1730902 141 mobile: +49 171 3836036 fax: +49 69 4056 2716 e-mail:matthias.wichtlhuber@de-cix.net web:www.de-cix.net ------------------------------ DE-CIX Management GmbH Executive Directors: Ivaylo Ivanov and Sebastian Seifert Trade registry: District court (Amtsgericht) Cologne, HRB 51135 Registered office: Lichtstr. 43i, 50825 Cologne
________________________________________ Von: Nick Hilliard<nick@foobar.org> Gesendet: Dienstag, 4. Juli 2023 20:18:55 An: Matthias Wichtlhuber Cc: RIPE Address Policy Working Group Betreff: Re: AW: [address-policy-wg] 2023-01 Review Phase (Reducing IXP IPv4 assignment default size to a /26)
Matthias Wichtlhuber wrote on 30/06/2023 10:58:
When receiving requests for more than a /24, the RIPE NCC checks that the IXP will need more than 50% of the assignment within one year. If their growth rate is too slow and we expect that it will take more than a year to exceed that utilisation threshold, we suggest that they postpone their request. Thus, this issue is not urgent and can be discussed separately. I hope that answers open questions. Hi Matthias
Let me ask the question in a different way. The policy says:
After one year, utilisation of the new assignment must be at least 50%, unless special circumstances are defined. If the IXP is using less than 50% after one year, what happens? Will the assignment be deassigned?
If the answer is "yes, the assignment will be deassigned", does the RIPE NCC apply some form of threshold to determine whether or not to deassign? I.e. if the assignment less than exactly 50%, or is there a practical slop factor in there?