Strong support for both. Thanks Leo and James for your work.


On Wed, 17 May 2023, 10:52 Erik Bais, <> wrote:
Dear Working group, 

As you might remember, the WG Chairs are appointed for a set term as that reminds us now and then, for both the WG Chair as the WG, to think about if we are still happy with the current chair setup.

More insight on the terms can be found at the AP-WG page on the RIPE website: 

This RIPE86, the first term of both James Kennedy and Leo Vegoda is done and both stated that they would be more than happy to do another term. 

As the co-Chair of AP-WG, I'm glad that both want to run again for the stability of the WG, however in the end it is up to the WG if you are as well. 

So during the AP-WG session, we will have time in the agenda to ask the WG if you like to proceed with the current WG Chair setup. 

If you to replace one or both WG Chairs, please let me know up front and I will contact you to ask a couple questions in regards of introduction .. and we will ask the WG if they would like a WG chair change. 

We like to hear in the WG if you like to support the current WG chairs (or not) ... this can be done by a reply on this email, or during the meeting. 

See you all next week in Rotterdam. 

Erik Bais
Co-Chair AP-WG 


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