23 Apr
23 Apr
6:26 p.m.
Hank Nussbacher <hank@att.net.il> writes:
We already have 10/8, 172.16/12, 192.168/16, 169.254/16, 192.0.2/24. If these 18 million IPs aren't enough for an enterprises internal usage, I'm amazed.
Ditto. But there might be cellphone providers with large coverage areas that might need that many.
Well, such providers have to prepare for mergers anyway. They have to plan for NAT between private addrss space, no matter how much such space there is. I think address space can be put to better use than burning it that way. -- Current mail filters: many dial-up/DSL/cable modem hosts, and the following domains: atlas.cz, bigpond.com, postino.it, tiscali.co.uk, tiscali.cz, tiscali.it, voila.fr.