On 22 feb 2009, at 02:03, Jeffrey A. Williams wrote:
Andy and all,
I share your concern. Further it is likely that IPv4 address hording by the resource rich to black market those addresses to the resource starved will and from rumor I have heard, is already happening. But after years to nearly a decade of mis managment of IP address allocation via skewed and overly expensive fees, it's no wonder to me.
With the risk of going sligthly off-topic here since address-policy is not about fees, do you care to eloborate on that last comment ? The RIPE general meeting is where the fees are dicussed and set and I can't find your name on the attendees lists for the last few meetings. If you would have paid some attention you would have noticed that the fees since 2005 only went down or have been kept the same. And if you think this is "overly expensive" wait until we ran out and some market wether regulated/grey/black takes shape. Groet, MarcoH