I would say IPv4 anycast /24 PI must be allocated for anycasting DNS service only. You simply can't add more nameservers if you hit the max limit...
That is an incorrect assumption no matter how you look at it. To me, the biggest problem seems to be that people either doesn't know better or actually don't want to know better regarding this topic.
I have probably written this before, and some people have probably answered, but: You can add as many anycast nameservers as you want without any prefix at all. They obviously have to be in the same asn/ip-network if you want to anycast without using your own prefix in dfz. You can also use other similar techniques than ancyast, for example network load balancing.
Thanks for your response. Who needs a new /24 PI if you are only going to implement DNS anycast in your own network? I was speaking about global DNS anycast /24 PI allocation with min. ~5 disperse locations / networks, verified later by running traceroutes to see ASN, data path etc... Thanks Greg