RIPE Policy Folks - 

I have no comments to make with regards to the merits 
of policy proposal 2012-01, but will comment for sake 
of clarity on the use of the words "sell" and "sold" in 
the proposal.  In the policies in the ARIN region, we 
have made use of the term  "transfer" for this purpose, 
although one can argue that "sell" and "sold" is equally 

The challenge with using the word "sell" is simply that
for many readers it carries the connotation of 'free and 
clear' transfer of property to another.  I do not know,
(nor intend to assert) what transfer of number resources
in the RIPE region means, but in the ARIN region we hold
that there are multiple parties with rights to each number 
resource, and this includes the resource holder (who has 
the right of exclusive use) but also includes the community 
(who has the right of visibility into the public portion of 
the registration, the right to set policies by which the 
resource may be transferred or reclaimed, etc.)

We've had parties come to ARIN and indicate that they have
"bought" or "sold" their address blocks, and we have to 
point out that they may indeed have sold their particular
rights to the address block, but that any transfer in our
region must comply with the community policies, and ask
that they put a transfer request (agreed to by the seller)
so that we may transfer the number resources to the new

In short, using terms like "sell" and "sold" in the policy
text may create the impression for some readers that Internet
number resources are just widgets to be bought and sold as 
desired, but that error is may be unavoidable in any case 
given the circumstances. I do not believe that the use of 
"sell" or "sold" is incorrect, but simply of question of 
personal judgement as to whether the improved readability 
is worth the connotations that some readers will draw as a


John Curran
President and CEO