2014-04-10 12:02 GMT+02:00 Dpto. Datos Television Costa Blanca < datos@tvt-datos.es>:
But instead of running into exhaustion in "2 months" we can handle it to be "2 years". Please, take in account the time between quotes as an example.
When this was discussed, it was essentially agreed on that it was pretty much irrelevant whether it was N days, weeks, months or years, for any value of N.
Should we take more care in "efficient allocations" or "efficient routing tables"?
Are in the actually routers with problems in the routings tables in the
same way we have problems with the IPv4 exhaustion?
There may be routers with such problems, but AFAICR, routing table lookups for IPv4 hasn't really been a big issue in quite a few years. However, maintaining more allocations just to delay the inevitable by a very small amount of time seems a waste of humans' time and resources. -- Jan