At 03:37 AM 29/11/2005, Jørgen Hovland wrote:
----- Original Message ----- From: "Florian Weimer" <fw@deneb.enyo.de> Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2005 4:00 PM
* Jeroen Massar:
1. Make /32 the only routable entity so we can use perfect match in the DFZ instead of longest-prefix match.
What about the organizations that have say a /19, want them to inject all their more specific /32's?
You can inject a /19 as 8192 /32s. Shouldn't make a difference if the /19 is really used.
At this stage, it's probably not too wise to embed the /32--/48--/64 in silicon, but vendors will undoubtedly do this if they can save a few bucks and current policies remain as inflexible as they are.
Hi, Perfect match is faster but far from better. What I think perhaps would be interesting to see in the future with regards to IPv6 and PI is the following:
1. No PI. _Only_ network operators get a prefix. 2. Customers of network operators can at any time change provider and take their assigned prefix with them. The new provider will announce it as a more specific overriding the aggregate. If the customer decides to get multiple providers, then the network operator with the /32 could also announce a more specific.
In the country I live in I can change telecom provider and take my phone number with me to the new provider. Why shouldn't I be able to do that with internet providers? Yes, it will somehow create millions/billions of prefixes (atleasat with todays routing technology/protocols). Network operators should be able to handle that hence rule #1.
Interesting - it will work for a while, and then you will get to the limit of deployed capability of routing. Then what? Geoff