On Mon, May 30, 2016 at 05:44:05PM +0200, Sander Steffann wrote:
RIPE policy does regulate IP allocations and under what conditions you are allowed to have/transfer/etc them. I agree that RIPE policy cannot regulate an organisation's M&A itself, but what happens to IP allocations when M&A happens definitely is in scope.
RIPE policy has, until recently, explicitly recognised that M&A (and what happens to resources due to those) is not in scope for the PDP. It is only since "last /8" that certain elements of the "community" have tried, by hook or by crook, to arrogate themselves the right to decide what happens to resources in the event of M&A. rgds, Sascha Luck
Not expressing any opinion in favour or against, just clarifying scope :)
Cheers, Sander