On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 9:24 PM, Sander Steffann <sander@steffann.nl> wrote:
Hello working group,

Hi there! 
A year has passed since we implemented our working group chair rotation mechanism, so it is time for one of the APWG chairs to offer his place in case the working group would like to see a change of chair. This time it is my turn to step down, and I will do so in the APWG session at RIPE 72 in Copenhagen. So this is the time for candidates to volunteer and make themselves known here on the list! To be considered candidates must make themselves know before the start of RIPE 72.

So, let me start by volunteering again :)  I would love to serve this working group for another term as one of its chairs. A short introduction for those who don't know me:

Well re-volunteered!

I essentially want to use what I have learned in the last 9 years and continue to guide the working group in always-improving ways.

I think you've done a splendid job so far, and I agree with all the positive noises being made in favour of your continued chair occupancy.

That said, I do think it would be interesting if there were other candidates, even though it's a tall order to try to fill your shoes.
