On 11.04.14 13:37, Dpto. Datos
Television Costa Blanca wrote:
On 11.04.14 11:19, Dpto.
Datos Television Costa Blanca wrote:
Isnt unequal
right now? Are you saying is equal LIRs with thousands and
thousands of IP address when there are LIRs with only a /22?
Is equal that the LIRs with thousands can make lot of money
from LIRs with only a /22?
I think this depends of how you define equality.
Is equality just comparing the number of addresses or IP
addresses relative to customers or even pr capita of the market
the LIR operates in.
Its so hard to prove you need more IPs?
When I was new in this game I had to supply receipts of
equipment to prove I was building a network. That was hard
facts. But a customer prognosis based on historical growth or
marketing plans was not accepted by the community. So I would
say - yes its hard - and we have not been able to come up with a
good criteria yet.
On 11.04.14 13:37, Dpto. Datos Television Costa Blanca wrote:
No its not
equals. You have mooooooore game with 1 millions address than
1 thousand address.
If the LIR with 1million IP addresses has 4 million customer it
has a bigger challenge than the one with 1 thousand addresses if
that LIR only has 1000 customers.