On Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 2:26 PM Jan Ingvoldstad <frettled@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 9:37 AM James Kennedy <jameskennedy001@gmail.com> wrote:

Under current policy, the LIRs should register 14,744 - 29,488 additional Assignment inetnums in the RIPE database. What value would that bring?

It brings value in resolving technical issues and IP address abuse issues, e.g. contacting the correct party when a compromised server participates in DDoS, spamming/phishing, etc.

Contacting the LIR only vaguely makes sense, it's like contacting the domain registrar because someone is sending phishing mail from gmail.com. In other words, mostly completely useless.

Understood and agreed if those details are different then they absolutely should be registered in an assignment. Which the LIR could still do in the scenario I mentioned. But the LIR could also decide not to register if the infra assignment would simply duplicate their existing data. Which many LIRs already do.

Anyway, I don’t intend on pushing the river or repeating my perspective further. Just wanted to share my two cents :)

[community member, apwg co-chair hat off]