
Erik, not direct response to you, but your response triggered more thought, so responding on yours:

On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 7:38 PM, Erik Bais <ebais@a2b-internet.com> wrote:
Hi Sander & Gert,


As Filiz stated, discussing a persons reason at the microphone, why one
thinks he or she might not be the best candidate for a position ... might
not the be a fun thing to do.. However ..

If you can't stand the heat .. stay out of the kitchen ..

Actually my point was not about the candidate and the heat they may feel. 

It was for those who will be doing the selection. People know each other. It can get very awkward for those who are to raise their hands or not for a certain candidate while the candidate is watching the whole scene and the process openly. And this has the potential to have an impact on the outcome of course. 

And clearly this is of course more of an issue when the number of positions are less than the number of candidates. I do not know with how many chairs the AP WG wants to continue and how many candidates we will have on the day of the session during RIPE 69. 

This is not new in RIPE history by the way. RIPE PC selected members by show of hands in the room in the past. After that we turned it into anonymous electronic voting for similar concerns. But we often have more candidates than the number of available seats. 

I happen to think anonymous voting system helps getting more candidates stand up for a position and making it easier to choose one for everyone else too in general. It encourages new candidates to show interest in positions and facilitates participation to the selection process too, because no one find themselves to explain or to hear why or why not they voted for some colleague/friend/total stranger in any means. 

This is all about selecting a person. It is not to replace the consensus-building we deployed successfully when discussing proposals, ideas and concepts over the years. I think we as a community can differentiate the two very well. I see no need to over-engineer this part either. 
