Several people raised concerns that new LIRs may not have sufficient experience to make good decisions with a /21 AW. This is a valid concern but I do not believe a series of incremental AW raises would provide the most effective support to new LIRs. Instead, I have modified the proposal so that new LIRs would get a /21 AW six months after receiving their first allocation. They would need to send in requests as now until then. This should ensure that the LIRs most in need of support receive it, while reducing the administrative overhead for the vast majority of LIRs.
Sounds like a very good solution/proposal to me.
Could I suggest an alternative based on experience in dealing with new LIRs on the ground? Many new LIRs are smaller operations with relatively small address space usage, and simply wouldn't get to send in a huge number of assignment requests within the first 6 months. Because of this, they're just not going to get the hang of RIPE's address space administrative requirements. Would it not therefore be more sensible to automatically increase the AW after either a set number of well-formed assignment requests were sent into RIPE? Nick -- Network Ability Ltd. | Head of Operations | Tel: +353 1 6169698 3 Westland Square | INEX - Internet Neutral | Fax: +353 1 6041981 Dublin 2, Ireland | Exchange Association | Email: nick@inex.ie