* Elvis Velea
No, I do not agree to call them LIR, the LIR is well defined. You are right, we maybe should not call them End Users either, let's work on redefining the End User to something else.
The terms LIR (and IR) is indeed well defined, and that's indeed my point - these new "super End Users" actually fit that definition. :-) (I'm only talking about the role of the LIR in the Internet Registry System here, so to be clear I'm *not* equating "LIR" to "direct member of the RIPE NCC who pays the full membership fee and has voting rights at the AGM", nor am I saying that everyone who holds PI space should be forced become such direct members of the RIPE NCC.) Anyway, I think I've made my point, so I'll leave it at that and let this be my last message on the subject. Like I've said before, this is not intended to be a "my way or the highway" statement of opposition, just a (hopefully) constructive piece of feedback you and your co-authors may do with as you wish. Tore