Hello everyone,

I`m Valentin Panait a newcommer in RIPE Community
I work in Internet business from 10 years plus but now i join to you in forced conditions.
Now I`m glad that  i`m a part of this community and i regret that i don`t do this early.

What force me to become RIPE NCC Member/ LIR?
I think you know.
Bad behavior of some other LIR.


Make me invoice for my ip`s with almost 300% plus for next year.
In this manner i have 3 choises

1. Pay , but after that i was risk to shutdown the bussines.
2. Go to another LIR but i have to renumbering everything and lost almost all clients and ... shut down the bussines
3. Become LIR and accept HIS offer to transfer from him only a half of my ip`s to my LIR for free and he remain with the other half.

I need to choose to become LIR.

Consequences on my side:

Renumberig all clients who was on 3 /22
Lost 62 clients who pay aroud 180 euros/month eatch
2 painful months for technicians, admins, client support team, and ofcourse CLIENTS.
Pay aroud 2000 euro to become LIR.

Consequences on his side:

3 /22 free and can put them on the BLACK MARKET on min 3euros/IP ... you can calculate how much money... only from one client.
And after finish to sold all blocks he will go to Dubai for 50 years on our money.

But now on black market the price could be up to 22$/IP



If someone can count how much IPv4 is for sale on BLACK MARKET today, we will see how much IPv4 is free and can be realocated.

Now of course everyone will say:

OK but what can we do about this?

We have do somethig to stop this black market.

I have few ideas and i`ll share with you.

About LIR`s with bad behavior make a PUBLIC list of LIR`s and folowing of abuse reports that we receive from LIR`s clients, give a good or bad ratings.

RIPE become regulatory authority for maximum price that a LIR can invoice a client for mainteinance ip resources / year.

A client who has some IP`s from a bad LIR and he make proof of that with the invoice or proforma, can be tranfered for free to another LIR where he agree LIR conditions or has a better offer.

I could be agree to get 10$/year/resource even if it is IP block or ASN and with a long time contract if client whant this.
Why? Because i am not agree with what is happend now.

I think that everyone hwo has a good behavior should not be afect by this rules.

But we need to eliminate or stop who think that the privilege that they have because are old LIR`s and have more IPv4 give them the rights to make frome this a hudge bussines.

I think the Internet bussines is to make money from services that is hosted on IP not from the IP`s.

A funny mail arrive that sound like this (where is dots i delete private informations):

We are a ..... LIR and have 5 /22 (=5x 1024) IPs for lease for a very reasonable price (< 1 €/ Ip/ month).The IPs are
from the block and have never been used before. They cannot be sold/ transferred as they are within the
24-month holding period. We are looking for a serious (no spam/ abuse), long-term cooperation (1+ year) only. If
required, we could provide routing/ colocation/ server hosting too. I'm looking forward to your reply.

Kind regards,

After my investigation
He sad that have 5 /22 - WRONG on his Organisation Mainteiner and everything else that i found about him in RIPE database has only 1 IPv4 /22, 1 IPv6 /32, 2 ASN`s and a lot of mess on Inetnum`s how split that IPv4 /22.

What happend with this guys?

For this they become LIR to lease IP`s?

I think in this case and could be more similar, we can create a WG to find this guys and report them someware.

This is another place where we can find free block`s of IPv4.

Let`s start to do somethig.

Thank you very much that you lost your time to read this and i hope that all of you make a little time to reflect on my ideas.
Best Regards,
Valentin Panait
System Administrator
+40 741125871

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