On 30 Aug 2010, at 2:57, Leo Vegoda wrote: [...]
I take this to mean that the authors original assumption is correct and that as things sit today, IANA will have no IPv4 addresses remaining immediately following IPv4 exhaustion. The Reclamation Pool will therefor only contain addresses returned to the IANA.
Yes, as things stand now, that's right.
I should probably add a clarification to my previous note. Once those five /8s have been allocated to RIRs we won't have any unallocated unicast /8s. But we will still be managing the multicast space, and various IETF assigned blocks for registries like the IANA IPv4 Special Purpose Address Registry: http://www.iana.org/assignments/iana-ipv4-special-registry/iana-ipv4-special... Regards, Leo Vegoda