Having seen no more comments or objections to this I hereby decalre consensus on this new policy. I'll ask the RIPE NCC to communicate a plan for practical implementation. Best Regards, Hans Petter Holen Address Policy Chair |
Since there was no deadline on the last call process I would suggest that we default to the 1 months and unless I hear otherwize I will delcare consensus on this shortly after May 13th.
Hans Petter
Dear WG,
I would like to make a last call for consensus on the proposal to modify the IPv4 allocation policy in the African portion of the RIPE NCC service region.
The detailed proposal was posted to this list on 18 January and can be found at:
It was also discussed at RIPE 47 later in January. A copy of the presentation made to the Address Policy WG can be found at:
and minutes of the discussion that took place can be found at:
http://www.ripe.net/ripe/wg/address-policy/r47-minutes.html (See section E).
If there are no major objections to the policy proposal We would like to see the policy implemented as soon as possible.
_______________________________________________________________________ Adiel A. AKPLOGAN Tel. +27 (0)12 841 2894 AfriNIC - Project Manager Fax: +27 (0)12 841 4720 2nd Floor, Les Jamalacs Building adiel@afrinic.org Vieux Conseil Street - Port-Louis MU www.afrinic.net