On 04.08.2014 11:26, Andrzej DopieraĆa wrote:
Yes. It was complex, because membership to specific class depend on years of ip owning, date, other lirs etc. It was stupid.
It was because amount of ip owned by RIPE was not fixed.
"the best" is simple structure. For example - every lir who give ip for others - pay 1600e, every pi owner who use ip for infrastructure pay 50e (like now) - every ip owner (independly pi or pa) pay the same amound of money for every ip which have
both are simple. And second is better. In first schema - get a thought experiment - what would happen if all lirs merged together. If they would pay 1600euro (like in 1 scenario) - total ripe income would be 1600euro. much to low for ripe. In second scenario - income of ripe (ncc) aren't depended on count of lirs, but on amount of owned ip's. currenty there is no new ip's, so dependende the payment from date of grant is senseless.
And actually your proposed kind of charging-scheme is working pretty well for other RIR, Full support from me, and I am sure, that charging yearly per IP would lead to a return of a not to little amount of IPv4 - in my guess at least one /8 - which some old LIR simply hold without using it simply to maybe make some profit by selling it somewhen, and because these IPs do currently not cost anything. ... but as Gerd already mentioned, that's not to be discussed here, as it is not address-policy discussion. BR Jens -- Jens Ott Opteamax GmbH Simrockstr. 4b 53619 Rheinbreitbach Tel.: +49 2224 969500 Fax: +49 2224 97691059 Email: jo@opteamax.de HRB: 23144, Amtsgericht Montabaur Umsatzsteuer-ID.: DE264133989 -- Opteamax GmbH - RIPE-Team Jens Ott Opteamax GmbH Simrockstr. 4b 53619 Rheinbreitbach Tel.: +49 2224 969500 Fax: +49 2224 97691059 Email: jo@opteamax.de HRB: 23144, Amtsgericht Montabaur Umsatzsteuer-ID.: DE264133989