Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
On 11-apr-2005, at 10:41, Guido Roeskens wrote:
we from Bluewin fully support the proposal
Policy proposal: #beta: IPv4-HD-Ratio LIR: ch.bluewindow Vote: YES
Comment: ISP's providing access services to many customers face several problems - Usage in different PoP's changes; at one time you have many customers in one PoP, at another time in others. You need to supply enough adresses to all PoPs even though they aren't needed all the time. - Assymetric usage of pools and redundancy To provide redundancy you overallocate some IP addresses to be able to handle the failure of single devices The pool usage on the devices and device groups are not balanced - RFC 3194 is as true for IPv4 as for IPv6 - consistency between IPv4 and IPv6 policies
What are you proposing? RFC 3194 is a descriptive RFC, it doesn't proscribe anything. What kind of HD ratio would you want to apply to IPv4 allocations?
Look for the mail by with the subject "HD ratio policy proposal" In the mail is a formal proposal entitled "IPv4-HD-Ratio" which has the key sentence "The proposed value of the HD ratio for IPv4 is 0.96"
Note that the current HD ratio for all IPv4 address space that isn't reserved by IANA is 90.45%.
As you see the HD Ratio propsed is much higher but would help LIR's with bigger allocations to justify their IP usage. Guido Roeskens Swisscom Fixnet AG Bluewin