On 10/29/2015 04:09 PM, Alessio Genova wrote:

>It cannot be reiterated enough: The final /22 is a migration tool for IPv6. There is a large number of viable >solutions to use IPv6 as your main addressing scheme for a eyeball ISP, especially if you have started from >scratch only a few years ago.


>Instead of screaming for more regulation on a market that more or less works, I think that focusing on IPv6 >adoption should be the first order of business.






Who writes some sentence, surely knows that today IPv6 addressing in Italy is used only by Facebook, Google, Youtube and some other else, but most of sites are only reachable by IPv4.

So, please, let me know how to migrate all our customers to IPv6 giving them access to the whole internet, as today, and we’ll make it.


Vice versa I’m sure that RIPE should verify who really is using public IPs, or should introduce a way to avoid IPs market, giving IPs at who really needs them.

If some entity has more resources than needed, the entity is free to donate or sell those resources. If your problem is that you don't have enough IP addresses, explore the options and pick one.
Changing the policy in order to take away resources from someone else sounds like what communists did decades ago in certain countries, by taking from the "rich" and giving to the "poor".

In short, your problem is you don't have enough IPv4. There is IPv4 available on the free market. Go buy some. Problem solved.