19 May
19 May
6:11 p.m.
Am 19.05.2018 um 12:07 schrieb JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via address-policy-wg:
My proposal is NOT to stop IPv6 PI,
Alternative facts? The title says "to remove IPv6 PI".
As I explained already, the intent is not to increase the end-user fees so they pay the same as an LIR, but to have some "proportionality" and to pay for the "real" NCC cost (which maybe still 50 euros, or maybe not, I don't know that, it is something that the NCC should calculate).
I've read multiple times that costs are out of scope for the APWG. So without a change towards a per resource fee structure – which is out of scope here –, the proposed change forces PIv6 holders to either become a LIR at 1400,-- EUR/year or abandon their assignment. Regards, -kai