On 17 Jun 2016, at 11:55, Payam Poursaied <payam@rasana.net> wrote:
why not to create and enforce policies which return the not-in-time-used-ip-blocks-beacuase-of-business-plans-change-and-market-cond itions-change o the free pool?
Feel free to write up and submit a policy proposal along these lines since it seems to be something that matters to you. IMO such a policy would be impractical, expensive to implement, easy to subvert and unlikely to result in much IPv4 space getting returned for reallocation. But maybe you know something I don’t. Even if space was returned from this hypothetical policy, it still doesn’t resolve anything. We still run out of IPv4 because there’s not enough of it. At best, all your policy might achieve is delay complete v4 exhaustion at the NCC by a couple of weeks. Then what?