Hello, Me and my colleagues think that community should accept this proposal with an adjustment: ** 3. An equivalent of a /22 allocation can be requested every 18 months from the moment of the last allocation if the following conditions are met: 1. The LIR has not transferred any IPv4 address space out of its registry. 2. There is enough space in the free pool to perform the allocation Adjustment: 3. The LIR is not allocated more than equivalent of a /19 ** Adjustment reasoning: The last changes in IP Transfer policy (18 month transfer delay) positively influenced the fight against membership abuse. But we want to draw your attention to the fact that for now new members have virtually no space for further growth and development and are unable to compete with the old ones who were allocated much larger address space a long ago. The barrier and the prospect of a /19 prevents the old large members to abuse the changes and gives the new ones an opportunity to plan their growth for 12 years (on condition of 18 moth allocation delay), excluding transfers (in case if it is difficult to implement the transfer in a members service region). We belive that this policy changes with our adjustment will attract a new real and competitive members to community. -- Best regards, Igor Strelyaniy Network Operation Manager ATOMOHOST LLC email: noc@atomohost.com website: atomohost.com